Useful illegal Drugs

  • Ekstasi: reduced disquietude, helped indication Parkinsons and the Maintenance for PTSD The psychologist from the University Norwegian Sains and Technology believe that when being combined with submersion therapy, the medicine capacity to release the level oxytocin could make MDMA medicine that was ideal to be used as the complete maaintenance program. This medicine possibly also was able to treat the Parkinson illness through the release the level of serotonin on the brain. Now the researchers still did not understand how the maintenance worked, was proven to be effective in the study used the mouse and one sufferer Parkinson, former stuntman Lawrence's Team, that showed the significant increase in his condition. Casualties Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) also showed the response was positive towards the maintenance that involved ekstasi. The psychologist who carried out therapy used the study and MDMA found this medicine gave them the window of time where the patient experienced the fear of few responses and adequate could handle therapy that very important to work through their condition

    • Cocaine as Motion Sickness Medicine ,While modern medicine found the maintenance was far more safer for most conditions, this medicine still sometimes was used as anaesthesia topikal for the eyes, the nose and the throat operation. Recently also was used as medical treatment topikal was applied to them who suffered the serious chronic headache. Despite the scientists often received that the use of cocaine in the medical field was comparable with the risk, the same thing was not current for the coca crop, where cocaine came. Unlike cocaine, the crop contained several alkaloids (cocaine was made from just one) and was susceptible to abuse ,because that must be consumed in accordance with the rule. The research about the medical need of the coca leaves was rather limited, but in Andean culture used the coca leaves for the aim of medical treatment for centuries.
    • Heroin of the Feeling Remover was sick most Great in the World

    this medicine was still becoming one of the maintenance was most effective and safest to be sick chronic that was extreme, like the suffering that was experienced by the cancer patient. Medical literature showed that that was far more safer than other medicine that was given in his place, including oksikodon the synthetic opium. Unfortunately, the federal government carried out the ban to medicine for the hospital and other medical facilities to use him in a subtantifi manner, although the medicine was safe as handling for the feeling of being sick that was effective and only one his one selection

    • Ketamin Miraculous for Depression

    Most medicine was used as sedation the animal, that was normal was mentioned by the name of "special K, was proven to be quite potent treated clinical depression, in fact to the person who did not respond to medical treatment . more interesting was the reality that this medicine could improve continuation" of "neurons on the brain that beforehand was broken by stress the dose could work quickly and took place for seven to 10 days."

    • Amphetamines for Stroke Restorationf

    Amphetamines were at this time used by the medical community to treat several conditions, including narcolepsy and ADHD. State University of New York reported that in several cases, they were also proven to be effective in treating depression and obesity. One of the uses that was most startling for amphetamines was the use of medicine helped casualties stroke to recover faster.

    4 komentar:

    Dandhy said...

    info yg bagus mas.
    tukeran link n follow yuk mas

    Sam Azhari said...

    thks gan ..boleh tuh tukeran link

    Dandhy said...

    link blog anda udh ada d blog saya
    d tunggu link back n follownya jg ya mas. makasih
    oiya artikelnya bagus mas apalagi bahasa inggris semua tuh

    Sam Azhari said...

    @Dandhy follow udah gan link nya bntr ya gan soal nya msh building mas ,kl dah selesai pasti saya simpan link nya,thks

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